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- Create Date 5 de July de 2023
- Last Updated 14 de July de 2023
This document presents the final developments of the adjustments and settings for the intelligent services that affect the end-users.
The VitiGEOSS product integrates existing technologies, such as eLEAF’s Fieldlook product or VISCA sensor service, and five unique intelligent services into a cloud solution for vineyard monitoring and management. Weather/climate forecasting, phenology, key crop indicators, disease management, and business & sustainability comprise the intelligent services that will be configured and eventually deployed via the project portal. VitiGEOSS also includes a central in-field and near in-field repository of data from machinery, IoT sensors, weather stations, fixed-cameras, drone imagery, and historical records.
The API Service Store, i.e., the interface where all the VitiGEOSS Intelligent Services (VISs) are stored, has been deployed and configured into a proper and secure data delivery between the end users and the intelligent services. The configurations focus on token-based accesses for authentication and authorization of the end user on a role level, defined on a per-company basis. The said roles have been configured within an Identity Server with the help of WSO2’s software tools and the correct authorization is chosen based on the username. The APIs of the Intelligent Service providers can be consumed via the API Service Store.
The VitiGEOSS application is accessible online at https://platform.vitigeoss.eu. The services that are offered to the user reflect the five intelligent services mentioned above. Weather forecasts can be visualized in time series plots and climate forecasts in histogram time series charts and can be downloaded as CSV. The phenological stages can be viewed in tabular form with a row per stage, complemented by explanation insets; in addition, end users can easily submit the actual dates for each of the phenological phase. Temporal profiles and statistics of key crop indicators (biomass production, evapotranspiration, NDVI, nitrogen in canopy, nitrogen in upper leaf layer, potential evapotranspiration, and the Crop Water Demand service) are visualized in graphs and tabular form; at the same time, field benchmarking is available for easy inspection and comparison. Disease risk predictions, recommendations for treatments, and an alerting service via email is also available. Finally, the business & sustainability management service had a new view for easier interaction by the end user following one of the use cases and the list of KPIs.
Next steps include the addition of the zonal delineation and yield forecasting services to the VitiGEOSS application.