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- File Size 2.18 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 5 de July de 2023
- Last Updated 14 de July de 2023
This report described the current status of the VitiGEOSS platform after being tested in the field during the second vegetative season. This document incorporates the organisation of the management units into the platform, level of access as defined during the initial configuration of the services as stated in D3.3 and a survey carried out to end-users and intelligent service providers on the functionality of the platform and visualisation of intelligent services.
The deliverable is organised in the following sections: an introduction describing the purpose of the report, general features are presented in sections 2, 3 and 4. In section 5 results of the survey are presented and conclusions are depicted in section 6. The surveys used to capture end-users' feedback are included in the annexes.