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Eurecat presented the VitiGEOSS project during the event High impact projects in the agri-food sector field organised by CIDAI, the AI Digital Innovation Hub in Catalonia, last 16th of February in the Lleida AgroBioTech Park (Spain).

Pol Torres, researcher from the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit of Eurecat, participated in the event delivering the presentation “Technological solutions in the agri-food sector”, which introduced VitiGEOSS as one of Eurecat’s key research and innovation EU-projects developing innovative solutions for the agricultural sector.

The presentation included a general overview about the VitiGEOSS project and introduced the services integrated into the VitiGEOSS platform offering information on climate predictions, crop phenology, irrigation, fertilisation, disease, and business and sustainability management.

The event, moderated by Joan Mas, director of CIDAI and Digital Technologies Director at Eurecat, also counted with the participation of representatives from the Generalitat de Catalunya, IDEAI-UPC, the Computer Vision Center (CVC), the University of Lleida and the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC).

CIDAI, coordinated by Eurecat, promotes the transfer of knowledge and the realization of joint projects between knowledge-generating entities, companies providing technology and services, and companies and user institutions demanding innovative applied Artificial Intelligence solutions.

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