Joana Valente, project partner and viticulturist at Symington Family Estates, participated in the workshop “Dias na Vinha: Tendências e inovações digitais aplicadas ao setor vitivinícola”, organised by ADVID – the Association for the Development of Viticulture in the Douro Region and celebrated last 26th of May in Quinta da Pacheca (Portugal).
During the theoretical session “Presentation of digital solutions”, she delivered the presentation “A solution for winegrowers to promote vineyard sustainability”, which introduced the VitiGEOSS platform, a solution providing support to growers and aiming to be a single access point for wine producers, supporting a circular economy approach. The presentation also included an explanation of the platform information services, as well as the main benefits expected.
The VitiGEOSS platform is the first application offering integrated services for sub-seasonal and seasonal predictions, crop management, disease warnings, business operations and sustainability monitoring.
Moreover, the session included the participation of representatives from the different projects and initiatives such as SIGP – The Integrated Property Management System powered by GeoDOURO, VineSignal, INCAFO Project, VirtuaCrop and i-GRAPE.
The ADVID is a non-profit organisation aimed at contributing to the modernisation of viticulture and to the increased portability of vineyards in the Demarcated Douro Region and to the improved quality of its wines.