The VitiGEOSS project was disseminated during Alimentaria 2024, the leading food, beverage and gastronomy international exhibition, celebrated from 18th – 21st of March in Barcelona, Spain.
Project’s partners from Eurecat, acting as the project’s coordinator, attended the event and showcased VitiGEOSS as one of its key research and innovation EU-projects which has developed innovative solutions for the viticulture sector.
Started last September 2020, VitiGEOSS has led to an innovative vineyard management platform based on the integration of Earth Observation services and in-field sensors offering wine growers and other actors in the sector easily accessible, real time, reliable and easy-to-understand information that can help support their operations and decision-making processes.
The VitiGEOSS platform, among other services, include a disease management tool for forecasting the downy and powdery mildew evolution considering the meteorological conditions and crop status to optimise the number of treatments and resources used to assure its effectively. Additionally, it also offers a business and sustainability manager service capable to plan best timing for field operations, better planning of resources needed, reduce the use of raw materials, and promote a sustainable winegrowing. These two services were developed by Eurecat.
Alimentaria Exhibition is the international meeting point for all professionals in the food, beverage and food service industry based on the sector’s key markets and their consumer trends and showcasing the latest innovations, challenges and trends of this industry.