The University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) is one of the oldest Italian University and was founded in 1224 by Frederick II, King of Sicily and Holy Roman Emperor. Nowadays, it is the biggest University in southern Italy. 

The technical contribution of UNINA to the Project will be made by the Department of Agricultural Sciences that is settled at the historical Faculty of Agriculture in Portici (Napoli) and is a long established Institution with expertise in all the fields of plant and food sciencesincluding horticulture, genetics, environmental physiology and ecology. The Departmental Division of Grape d Wine Sciences focuses on the study of all the aspects related to Viticulture and Enology. 

Contribution to VitiGEOSS

UNINA will carry out cultivar-specific calibrations of the phenological models (WP2), and design and manage, throughout the project, the pilot plots at the demo-sites in order to provide the datasets required for the fine-tuning of the calibration of all the models included in VITIGEOSS (the phenological stage prediction models, the key crop indicators tracking models, the downscaled weather forecast models, and the vine disease early warning system forecast) and for the validation of the VITIGEOSS services (WP4). UNINA will lead WP4 – Demonstration. 
