VitiGEOSS advisory board

VitiGEOSS project counts with the participation of relevant members in the Advisory Board.

Eloi Montcada –  Cluster Manager at INNOVI (Spain)

Francesco M. Acampora – President of Coldiretti Avellino (Italy)

Mark Noort – Director/owner of HCP international (The Netherlands)

Alberto Grasso – Technical Director, Az. Agricola Biologica Casa E. di Mirafiore

Prof. Dr. Luisa Torri – Professor of Food Science and Technology, Director of Research and Third Mission. University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy)

Òscar Tolsà Sala – Agrifood Advicer, Federació de Cooperatives Agràries de Catalunya (FCAC)

Carlo Buontempo – Director of Copernicus Climate Change Service, ECMWF (UK/Italy)