European Green Week 2023
Vineyard monitoring with remote sensing data for sustainable practices in agriculture
8th of June 2023, 11.00 – 12.15 CEST, Online
The VitiGEOSS project celebrated the webinar “Vineyard monitoring with remote sensing data for sustainable practices in agriculture” with the objective to discuss about how data on phenology, evapotranspiration and biomass production can support decisions, help prioritize, and discover invisible issues for a greener agriculture. The webinar was organised as part of the European Green Week next Thursday 8th of June.
During the webinar, VitiGEOSS partners and guest speakers focused on near real time data delivered to the portal indicating the moisture and growth status of the vines. We answered questions such as:
- How is this data created?
- How does the portal work?
- Can it add value to my farming practice?
Session recording & materials
11.00 – Welcome & overview of VitiGEOSS project
Moderator: Andria Nicodemou, Science Communication Specialist, BSC
Rosa Araujo, VitiGEOSS Project Coordinator, Eurecat
11.10 – Remote sensing data and technologies in viticulture
Jessica Snoek, Project Manager, eLEAF
11.30 – Data-driven models for vines phenology stages prediction
11.45 – Showcase of a platform for crops management, use cases and examples
Jessica Snoek, Project Manager, eLEAF
12.00 – Q&A and interactive session
12.15 – Closing & Final remarks
Agriculture plays an important role in climate change, as it is responsible for more than 20% of CO2 emissions. Sustainable agriculture aims to maximise the net benefit for people by developing new farming practices and methodologies to meet current and future societal needs for food, ecosystem services and human health, whilst reducing the negative impacts of climate change
The European VitiGEOSS project integrates and improves existing solutions coupling satellite imagery with in-field sensors to increase resolution and reliability of satellite information applied to all aspects of viticulture and specific wine-business operations. In the framework of the project innovative solutions are being developed to support agronomic management aimed at vine cultivation that integrate and improve existing solutions in the fields of weather and climate forecasting, phenology, disease prediction and resource optimization.