VitiGEOSS: an innovative platform for vineyard management and sustainability
16-17 of May 2023 | Italian session 16/05 14.15PM | English session 17/05 10.45AM
Climate change is posing important current and future challenges for viticulture and wine production. There is an urgent need for innovative tools to improve vineyard management and sustainability. The VitiGEOSS platform is a vineyard management solution aiming to help wine producers and viticulturists improve their operations and make better informed decisions for adaptation to the changing climate.
The platform, developed within the framework of the European project VitiGEOSS, provides a single-access point to information on climate predictions, crop phenology, irrigation, fertilisation, disease, and business and sustainability management,
This demo session will provide an overview of the services integrated into the VitiGEOSS platform and present use cases of how the platform can be used by wine producers for better informed decision-making. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to explore the features that the VitiGEOSS platform offers and express interest in becoming a test user to try it out during the following year.
- Dr Boris Basile, Associate Professor of Viticulture, University of Naples Federico II (UNINA)
- Jessica Snoek, Project Manager – Agriculture, eLEAF
- Laia Garriga Mas, Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit Promoter, Eurecat
- Andria Nicodemou, Climate Science Communication Specialist, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
– Welcome & overview of VitiGEOSS project: a platform for vineyard management
– Five intelligent services, one access point: Weather & climate forecasts, phenological monitoring, crop status monitoring, disease management, and business and sustainability management