VitiGEOSS scientific production
Optimization of Vineyard Task Planning: Constraint Programming Based Tool with Customizable Domain
Environmental and economic costs demand a rapid transition to more sustainable farming systems, which are still heavily dependent on chemicals for crop protection. Despite their widespread application, powdery mildew (PM) and downy mildew (DM) continue to generate serious economic penalties for grape and wine production. To reduce these losses and minimize environmental impacts, it is important to predict infections with high confidence and accuracy, allowing timely and efficient intervention.
Subseasonal predictions for climate services, a recipe for operational implementation
The implementation of operational climate service prototypes, which encompasses the co-design and delivery of real-time actionable products with/to stakeholders, contributes to efficiently leveraging operational climate predictions into actionable climate information by providing practical insight on the actual use of climate predictions. This work showcases a general guideline for implementing an operational climate service based on subseasonal predictions
Co-production pathway of an end-to-end climate service for improved decision-making in the wine sector
Climate services are one of the tools that can support the agriculture sector to address the impacts of climate change on agricultural production systems, not only considering climatic aspects but also social needs. This work describes the knowledge co-production journey of the EU-funded project MED-GOLD to create an end-to-end climate service for wine sector users.
CSIndicators: Get tailored climate indicators for applications in your sector
CSIndicators is an R package that gathers generalised methods for the flexible computation of climate-related indicators. Each method represents a specific mathematical approach which is combined with the possibility of selecting a flexible time period to define the indicator.
Advanced seasonal predictions for vine management based on bioclimatic indicators tailored to the wine sector
The potential increase in the adoption value of seasonal forecasts is spotlighted in this paper by introducing observation-forecast blending for wine-sector indicators over the Iberian Peninsula. The predictions of six bioclimatic indicators (temperature and precipitation based) considered highly important from the perspective of wine-sector users were prepared for each month of the growing season and combined with previous observations as the indicator period progresses.
Current Trends and Perspectives on Predictive Models for Mildew Diseases in Vineyards
Environmental and economic costs demand a rapid transition to more sustainable farming systems, which are still heavily dependent on chemicals for crop protection. Despite their widespread application, powdery mildew (PM) and downy mildew (DM) continue to generate serious economic penalties for grape and wine production. To reduce these losses and minimize environmental impacts, it is important to predict infections with high confidence and accuracy, allowing timely and efficient intervention.
Vineyard innovative tools based on the integration of earth observation services and in-field sensors (VitiGEOSS project)
Context and purpose of the study – Climate change is having an unprecedented impact on the wine industry, which is one of the major agricultural sectors around the world. Global warming, combined with the variation in rainfall patterns and the increase in frequency of extreme weather events, is significantly influencing vine physiology and exposing, more frequently, plants to severe biotic and abiotic stresses.
Deep learning based models for grapevine phenology
The phenological evolution is a crucial aspect of grapevine growth and development. Accurate detection of phenological stages can improve vineyard management, leading to better crop yield and quality traits. However, traditional methods of phenological tracking such as on-site observations are time-consuming and labour-intensive. This work proposes a scalable data-driven method to automatically detect key phenological stages of grapevines using satellite data.
Use of artificial intelligence for the prediction of microbial diseases of grapevine and optimisation of fungicide application
Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of downy mildew (DM), and Uncinula necator, the causal agent of powdery mildew (PM), are two of the main phytopathogenic microorganisms causing major economic losses in the primary sector, especially in the wine sector, by wilting bunches and leaves with a consequent decrease in the photosynthetic rate of the plant and in the annual yield. Currently, the most widespread methods for planning spraying are based on the 3-10 rule, which states that the first application should take place when: (i) the air temperature is greater than 10°C; (ii) shoots are equal or greater than 10 cm; and (iii) a minimum of 10 mm rainfall within 24–48 hours has occurred, or at the beginning of the bud break with periodic applications according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
VITIGEOSS Business Service: Task scheduling optimization in vineyards
Agriculture plantations are complex systems whose performance critically depends on the execution of several types of tasks with precise timing and efficiency to respond to different external factors. This is particularly true for orchards like vineyards, which need to be strictly monitored and regulated, as they are sensitive to diverse types of pests, and climate conditions. In these environments, managing and optimally scheduling the available work force and resources is not trivial and is usually done by teams of senior managers based on their experience.
Towards more effective visualisations in climate services: good practices and recommendations
Visualisations are often the entry point to information that supports stakeholders' decision- and policy-making processes. Visual displays can employ either static, dynamic or interactive formats as well as various types of representations and visual encodings, which differently affect the attention, recognition and working memory of users
Data driven predictive models based on Artificial Intelligence to anticipate the presence of Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator in southern European winegrowing regions.
Downy and powdery mildews are two of the main diseases threatening grapevine cultivation worldwide caused by the phytopathogens Plasmopara vitícola and Uncinula necator, respectively. These diseases may cause severe damage to grapevines by inducing wilting of plant organs, including bunches, especially when vines are untreated. This fact, together with the widespread of these pathogens due to the large extensions of land dedicated to grapevine monoculture, makes necessary to develop new predictive modeling tools that allow anticipating disease appearance in the vineyard, minimizing the losses in fruit yield and quality, and helping farmers in defining appropriate and more sustainable disease management strategies (fungicides applied at the right time and dose).