Access to our platform

VitiGEOSS uses free-of-charge satellite imagery and EO products from the European Copernicus Programme and NASA coupling them with in-field and near in-field data to extract useful indicators for a better management of vineyards and the optimisation of agricultural practices.

This solution provides support to growers and aims to be a single access point for wine producers, supporting a circular economy approach.

VitiGEOSS platform is deployed as a cloud-based Applications Portal co-designed with end-users. The platform infrastructure includes an API Service Store for service providers and, from another hand, the Application Dashboard for wine producers.

Information services

Advanced techniques to apply sub-seasonal (for the next weeks, up to 1 month) to seasonal climate forecasts (for the next months) in combination with short term weather forecasts (up to 10 days) to help farmers prepare in advance for unusual climate conditions and extreme events that can damage the crop.

Automated system to predict and monitor the whole phenological annual cycle through the synergic use of phenological models, satellite and in-field observations to better plan and organise the whole vineyard management and optimise resources.

Satellite imagery to monitor key indicators describing vegetation health status, crop productivity, crop water consumption and crop nitrogen content to optimise irrigation, sampling or selective harvesting leading to better grape quality and production.

Tool for forecasting the disease evolution taking into account the meteorological conditions and crop status to optimise the number of treatments and resources used to assure its effectivity.

Resource optimiser and planner service capable to plan best timing for field operations, better planning of resources needed, reduce the use of raw materials and promote a sustainable winegrowing.

The solution developed is the first application offering integrated services for sub-seasonal and seasonal predictions, crop management, disease warnings, business operations and sustainability monitoring

Platform benefits

  • From stand-alone observations (satellite, in-field) to downstream information services.

  • Providing early warning and give them the tools to make better decisions in crop management.

  • Tackling crop problems or affectations using less chemicals and changing their production methods to minimise the pesticide use.

  • Results achieved and lessons learned will be used for building capacity on sustainability among agricultural communities, to benefit local economies, strengthen skills, competences and abilities to advance the development of services based on the use of Earth observation systems.

vitigeoss platform