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- Create Date 1 de March de 2024
- Last Updated 1 de March de 2024
This deliverable describes the data management life cycle for the data, from the data being collected, processed, and generated during the whole duration of the VitiGEOSS project. The purpose of this Data Management Plan is to establish how the data is created, stored and backed up. This document covers the handling of research data during and after the project, what data is collected, processed or generated, what methodology and standards is applied, whether data is shared/made open and how data is curated and preserved. The Data Management Plan is used as a standard data guideline for the project consortium to ensure interoperability and sharing of public data generated by the project. Each project partner should respect the policies set out in the resulting Data Management Plan. Datasets must be created, managed, and stored appropriately and in line with European Commission and local legislation. Dataset validation and registration of metadata an backing up data for sharing through repositories is the responsibility of the partner that generates the data. The datasets in the repository project are preserved in line with the European Commission Data Deposit Policy.