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  • Create Date 7 de November de 2023
  • Last Updated 7 de November de 2023

n the past years, there has been tremendous progress in the field of precision viticulture software; several developments in the area have proven potential benefits for the wine sector and specifically to the viticulture practice. However, the large variety of applications have been designed for different goals, or specific settings / crops and have been developed on a silo-based approach and deployed independently from each other, serving however, at higher level, similar goals, and functionalities for the end-user. Scalability, interoperability, and operator openness are some of the most important properties that a technical and commercial successful solution must provide. VitiGEOSS aims to empower the potential of earth observation systems by creating an innovative commercial information offer to optimize sustainable vine cultivation via decision support systems (DSS) on phenology, irrigation, disease, and business operations management. Particularly, the goal is to combine satellite imagery with other data sources such as in-field measurements, models and best practices to build up an integrated but modular management tool covering the most critical operations of the business, including sustainability aspects to align the outcomes with UN SDG´s, which will directly impact the welfare of the population living in rural communities around wine producers’ locations. VitiGEOSS integrates existing solutions coupling satellite imagery with in-field sensors with the aim of increasing resolution and reliability of satellite information applied to all aspects of viticulture and specific wine business operations. The present report, titled D1.9 First Innovation Management outcomes analysis, aims to report on the established structured, yet flexible mechanism and related processes, which intend to penetrate all project’s activities throughout the entire project’s lifetime, to ensure that high levels of innovation are maintained as expected and described in the project’s contract. The ambitious objectives of VitiGEOSS are placed within the evolving context of innovation and market developments co-shaped by several actors, stakeholders, other research projects and policies. Several actions were held to ensure that innovation is incorporated, the project activities are well connected and aligned, project-external developments are taken into account and the innovation goals of VitiGEOSS do not lose relevance. The report describes these actions and tracks the innovations achieved by the consortium.
