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  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 15 de December de 2022
  • Last Updated 1 de February de 2023

The objective of the present deliverable is to describe the VITIGEOSS Intelligent services (VIS) that will be integrated into the VITIGEOSS platform. The VIS are described in terms of capabilities and requirements, from a twofold perspective: from one side the user-driven perspective, that has been deepened through a qualitative investigation of the user needs; and from a technology-driven perspective, that provides an exhaustive description of the capabilities and requirements of each Intelligent Service.

The deliverable describes both the activities conducted and the outputs obtained, providing the list of the resulting technical requirements, useful as input for the WP2 development tasks and for Task 3.1, aimed at specifying the User Requirements.

The deliverable is organized in the following sections: after the introduction, section 2 describes the approach and the activities conducted to define the scope and requirements of the IS from a user-centered perspective. Section 3 presents the outputs collected from the user-research. Section 4 describes all the VIS in terms of capabilities and technical requirements. Section 5 report a list technical requirement valid for all the VIS identifies and the suggest hot to integrate this deliverable with the further project activities of the WP2 and WP3.
