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- File Size 2.18 MB
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- Create Date 15 de December de 2022
- Last Updated 1 de February de 2023
This document addresses the developments and deployment phase of the VitiGEOSS cloud-based application portal and informs on deliverable 3.2, which is a demonstrator. Section 1 presents the solution and architecture describing the functionality of each of the components for the visualisation and exchange of the information among partners in VitiGEOSS. Section 2 presents a set of mock-ups describing both the Application and API Service Store. They serve as guideline to describe the features co-designed with the end-users and intelligent service providers to present the different services and functionality for authenticating the APIs. A preliminary set of standards are defined to facilitate the exchange of information, which will be addressed and further elaborated when configurating the intelligent services into the VitiGEOSS application. Section 3 presents a functional demonstrator, based on FieldLook, to access and visualise the information for one of the end-users. Also, the functionality of API Service store is demonstrated with APIs provided by the intelligent service providers. Section 4 summarises the actions to be developed with the project partners including the implementation of the VitiGEOSS layout and configuration of the intelligent services and functional tests. These actions will be coordinated and reported accordingly as part of the project in other deliverables.