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  • Create Date 16 de December de 2022
  • Last Updated 1 de February de 2023

This document provides the details of the final market assessment of VitiGEOSS solution. This report adds on to the initial market assessment (D5.1) that was submitted in month 18. In the present report (D5.4), we sum up the additional analyses that were developed, including additional elements of demand characterization (via interviews and survey), detail regarding the go-to-market of relevant competitors, market prices and pricing structure, and joint exploitation perceptions gathered from the initial Consortium Partners’ discussions.

The first section is dedicated to the additional market assessment elements regarding demand and competitive landscape. The demand analysis was further developed via an End-users’ Market Survey conducted during June 2022 and through precision viticulture market European expert interviews.

On the competitors’ additional assessment, the selected competitors’ distribution strategies are depicted, and main products’ features and price levels and structure are systematised. This information provides great insights that will be very relevant for the next stage of analysis in WP5, regarding the development of the market entry strategy and business plan for exploitation of VitiGEOSS.

The second section includes indicative information regarding VitiGEOSS’s joint exploitation pathway, presenting insights form the Internal Workshop with Partners held in June 2022 and a draft version of the VitiGEOSS’s business model canvas (which will be further detailed in the next phase of the WP5 tasks). Based on these elements and the conclusions from the market assessment, preliminary hypotheses for commercial exploitation are presented.

Lastly, in the third section both SWOT and critical success factors analysis are revisited, incorporating our latest findings, including an overview of the overall market barriers identified.
