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- File Size 2.18 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 15 de December de 2022
- Last Updated 1 de February de 2023
This deliverable consists of the initial Intellectual Property Rights management actions that were made in the first 18 months of the VITIGEOSS Project.
The objective of the present deliverable is to (a) introduce the concepts of Intellectual Property in European Projects and (b) identify the VITIGEOSS Project results, and their IP protection strategy.
The first section is dedicated to describing the concept of Intellectual Property, its role in European Projects and the IPR Management methodology applied in VITIGEOSS.
The second sections describe the identified results of the project so far (M18), together with their initial Protection strategy, background and foreground brought to the project by partners, and the division of the results into different categories for a better management and future organization.
Lastly, initial protection and commercialization paths are also discussed and identified.