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- Create Date 7 de November de 2023
- Last Updated 7 de November de 2023
This document provides the details of a first version of the Business Plan for exploitation of the VitiGEOSS solution, providing a first take on the operational and financial preliminary model for the commercialization of VITIGEOSS. The first section is dedicated to laying out the positioning and offering of VitiGEOSS, namely the services provided to the market and respective features under each of the IS, defining its value proposition and goals. It does so by focusing not just on existing features and status of the solution but also on R&D efforts made to bring the solution to market. It starts by leveraging all insights from market and competitive assessment and stakeholders’ consultation, and jointly establish the VitiGEOSS value proposition, its future main distinctive capabilities and business model using the Canvas Model (insights laid out in deliverables D5.1 - Initial Market Assessment Report and D5.4 - Final Market Assessment Report). Information was gathered through a market assessment and a workshop approach with relevant partners involved. The second section of this work document sets the grounds for discussion for an option for VitiGEOSS’s market entry strategy, laying out the terms under which the partners could cooperate once the project is over and commercialization phase begins. Under this section, the
business model for commercialization and future development of the solution is presented, taking into consideration the sustainability of the VitiGEOSS exploitation, considering its market entry.
Section three consists of a first look into the a preliminary financial model based on VitiGEOSS’s strategy to assess the solution’s feasibility. As a preliminary and indicative analysis, revenues and operational costs for a 10-year period were outlined. Moreover, to take into account various scenarios, this section also includes a sensitivity analysis to detect key inflection points and stability of the strategy and model, by submitting the most critical variables to shocks and understand how the performance is affected by exogenous factors. Finally, in section four, an implementation plan is drafted where the steps for commercialization are laid down and a series of steps, and criteria are defined to launch the solution as a commercial product. Additionally, responsibilities are allocated, in a cooperative setting between commercial partners, milestones are identified and monitoring strategies to ensure fulfilment are proposed