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  • File Size 2.18 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 15 de December de 2022
  • Last Updated 1 de February de 2023

The present public document presents an update of the VitiGEOSS project dissemination and communication plan outlined at M7, aiming at reaching as many relevant actors as possible to inform them on the activities and results derived from the project. BSC and EUT are responsible for designing and implementing VitiGEOSS communication and dissemination strategy, but all consortium partners will be involved in it.

The channels and platforms considered in the communication and dissemination plan are: social media channels, official website, materials to be distributed in key events, media relations to specialized media outlets, scientific publications, the organization of workshops and training activities, and attendance to strategic conferences, fairs and congresses where the project can be presented and the organisation of stakeholder engagement events, among others.

This deliverable updates the dissemination plan and reports on communication activities from M1 to M18.
