The VitiGEOSS project was presented in the session “The last mile challenges of seamless weather and climate information” organised within the “Weather and Society” online conference celebrated from February 28th to March 11th.
During the session, Marta Terrado, researcher and communicator in Earth sciences from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), delivered the presentation “The VitiGEOSS vineyard management solution: applying user-centered design to the coproduction of climate services across time scales” and explained the main work and research done hand-in-hand with recognized wine producers to improve business operations in the wine sector.
On the other hand, the presentation included an introduction to the VitiGEOSS platform, which integrates information at different time scales, being a one-stop-shop for weather forecasts, sub-seasonal and seasonal climate predictions at selected demo sites of three major wine producers in Spain, Italy and Portugal.
The “Weather and Society” conference was organised by the Societal Economic Research Applications (SERA) Working Group of the WMO World Weather Research Program (WWRP), from which BSC is a member, in collaboration with DWD’s Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research. The conference was focused on science to services and provided a great opportunity to share social science insight and innovation with the broader hydrometeorological community.