VitiGEOSS final event
Precision vineyard management tools based on the integration of Earth Observations and in-field sensors
16 of February 2024
Climate change is posing important current and future challenges for viticulture and wine production. There is an urgent need for innovative tools to improve vineyard management and sustainability. The VitiGEOSS platform is a vineyard management solution aiming to help wine producers and viticulturists improve their operations and make better informed decisions.
In this event, VitiGEOSS project partners will provide an overview of the services integrated into the VitiGEOSS platform, offering information on climate predictions, crop phenology, irrigation, fertilisation, disease, and business and sustainability management, and present success stories of how the platform can be used by wine producers for better informed decision-making.
Target audience:
- Technology providers
- Viticulture and agriculture stakeholders
- Earth Observation and climate services providers
- Scientific community (in particular climate services, climate predictions, EO, satellite data)
- Other European projects
Event recordings
Download the presentations delivered
About VitiGEOSS
The European VitiGEOSS project integrates and improves existing solutions coupling satellite imagery with in-field sensors to increase resolution and reliability of satellite information applied to all aspects of viticulture and specific wine-business operations. In the framework of the project innovative solutions are being developed to support agronomic management aimed at vine cultivation that integrate and improve existing solutions in the field of weather and climate forecasting, phenology, disease prediction and resource optimization.
9.15 – 9.45 – OPENING PLENARY: Welcome, keynote and VitiGEOSS project overview
Chair: Laia Garriga, Technology Transfer Manager at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, Eurecat
9.15 – Welcome and introduction to VitiGEOSS final conference
Montse Torres, Viticulture R&D Manager, Familia Torres
9.30 – VitiGEOSS project and results overview
Rosa M Araujo, European Programme Manager, Eurecat
9.45 – 10.15 – Keynote: Use and challenges of remote sensing data for vineyard management
Fran Garcia, Researcher at the Unit of Agricultural Mechanization (UMA), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
10.15 – 10.45 – COFFEE BREAK
10.45 – 12.05 – SESSION 1: Smart services for vineyard management
Chair: Josep Pijuan, Researcher at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, Eurecat
10.45 – Co-development of operational climate forecast services for vineyards management
Núria Pérez-Zanón, Postdoctoral researcher at the Earth System Services group, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
10.55 – AI based vineyard monitoring and phenogy stage prediction
Tommaso Monopoli, AI applied researcher, LINKS Foundation
Federico Oldani, AI applied researcher, LINKS Foundation
11.10 – Mildew and Powdery mildew prediction and treatment recommendations
Alex Pujol, Researcher at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, Eurecat
11.20 – Weekly crop status indicators
Jessica Snoek, Project Manager Agriculture, eLEAF
11.30 – Task scheduling applied to vineyard management and sustainability
Alex Pujol, Researcher at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, Eurecat
11.40 – VitiGEOSS platform overview
Jessica Snoek, Project Manager Agriculture, eLEAF
11.55 – Q&A
Josep Pijuan, Researcher at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, Eurecat
12.05 – 12.15 – BREAK
12.15 – 13.00 – SESSION 2: Applications on precision viticulture and vineyard management digitalisation across Europe
Chair: Eloi Montcada, Cluster Manager, INNOVI
12.15 – In-field calibration and validation of Intelligent Services
Boris Basile, Professor, University of Naples Federico II
12.30 – Success stories
Montse Torres, Viticulture R&D Manager, Familia Torres
Antonio Dente, Viticulture Manager, Mastroberardino
Fernando Alves, Head of R&D, Symington
13.00 – 13.30 – SESSION 3: Deploying VitiGEOSS platform
Chair: Laia Garriga, Technology Transfer Manager at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, Eurecat
13.00 – Deployment of VitiGEOSS platform
Marta Alves Carvalho, Director of Strategy Services, PwC Portugal
13.20 – Final remarks and closure
Laia Garriga, Technology Transfer Manager, Eurecat
13.30 – Networking lunch for on site attendees

Event collaborators