Help us understand the practical relevance of precision viticulture services!
The VitiGEOSS project launches a new survey with the objective to understand the practical relevance of precision viticulture services, the current needs of the viticulture sector regarding these services and the most widely used technological solutions.
The feedback received will be integrated into the technical requirements for the development of an innovative vineyard management solution based on the integration of Earth Observation services and in-field sensors to increase the resolution and reliability of satellite information applied to the viticulture sector.
The VitiGEOSS solution will offer growers sub-seasonal and seasonal predictions, crop status information, disease warnings, phenological monitoring and a planner service to improve the timing of field operations and optimise sustainable cultivation via decision support systems.
Have your say!
During the survey you will be asked to answer questions and evaluate different precision viticulture services in terms of its importance to your vineyard activities and how do you rate different buying criteria regarding vineyard management solutions.
The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and will be analysed in an aggregated and anonymous way. We recommend using a laptop or a tablet for a better filling experience.
This survey is also available in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese. Choose your language at the begining of the survey!