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VitiGEOSS coordinator Eurecat has participated to the Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2024), which took place on 2-4th October 2024 at La Salle – Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).

Alex Pujol, researcher at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit of Eurecat Technology Center, presented the poster paper “Optimization of vineyard task planning: Constraint Programming based tool with customizable domain”, which shows the improvements of VitiGEOSS business tool after a year of validation with data from SYMINGTON, Familia Torres and Mastroberardino, three top European wine producers.

VitiGEOSS Business Service is a scheduling tool that assigns tasks to work teams on specific timeslots. It offers the possibility of choosing between a set of constraints defined alongside wine producers, and focusing on different objective functions such as time cost, or environmental impact.

This service is included in VitiGEOSS platform, a single-entry solution developed as the first application offering integrated services for sub-seasonal and seasonal predictions, crop management, disease warnings, business operations and sustainability monitoring.


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