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Project partners from Eurecat, the VitiGEOSS coordinator, attended the 69th edition of the agricultural fair “Sant Miquel” celebrated from 28th of September – 1st of October in Lleida, Catalunya (Spain).  

Marta Otero, Researcher at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Technological Unit of Eurecat and technical coordinator of the VitiGEOSS project, participated in the event delivering the presentation titled “VitiGEOSS: Intelligent services for the wine sector aimed at saving raw materials” and showcasing VitiGEOSS as a key European project working for a greater sustainability and optimisation in wine operations. 

The VitiGEOSS project is developing an innovative vineyard management solution based on the integration of Earth Observation services and in-field sensors with the objective to increase the resolution and reliability of satellite information applied to the viticulture sector.  

The 69th edition of the agricultural fair “Sant Miquel” is a great meeting and networking point for the national companies in the agricultural sector showcasing the latest innovations in the sector.  


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