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VitiGEOSS partners from LINKS Foundation attended MetroAgriFor 2023, the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry, taking place from 6th – 8th of November in Pisa (Italy).

Federico Oldani, AI Applied Researcher at LINKS Foundation, participated in the session “Artificial Intelligence, innovative data analysis and big data for agriculture and food applications”, presenting the VitiGEOSS-related paper “Satellite-Based Grapevine Phenological Stage Detection Through a Deep Supervised Machine Learning Approach”. The paper, contributed also by partners from the University of Naples Federico II, introduces the development of machine-learning model for grapevine phenology stage detection using satellite data.

On the other hand, Giacomo Blanco, AI Applied Researcher at LINKS Foundation, participated in the poster session showcasing the work titled “On the Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Leaves and Grapes Using In-Field Optical Cameras”.

This work presents a novel approach for leaf and grape monitoring using a machine learning-based image segmentation algorithm and temporal indexes computed using optical images captured by infield cameras installed within vineyards.

Download the poster here.

MetroAgriFor has the objective to create an active and stimulating forum where researchers, academics and industry experts in the field of measurement and data processing techniques for Agriculture, Forestry and Food can meet and share the latest innovations, advances and research results.

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