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Boris Basile, project partner and associate professor at the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II, presented a poster based on VitiGEOSS research during the XIV Giornate scientifiche SOI celebrated from 21 – 23 of June in Turin (Italy).

The event, organised by the Italian Horticultural Society (SOI) and the University of Turin, involved large sectors of agriculture and covered different topics such as the sustainable use of resources in the production process, the quality of the productions and the multifunctionality of the horticultural-floral-fruit sector.

The VitiGEOSS poster presented, titled “Innovative tools for viticulture based on the integration of data obtained from terrestrial observation and proximity sensors”, introduced the project’s methodology and some results achieved.

Additionally, the poster showcases the main five information services of the VitiGEOSS platform such as the weather and climate forecast, phenological monitoring and prediction/forecasting, crop status, disease management and business and sustainability.

Download the poster here

The main ambition of the VitiGEOSS project is to contribute to a responsible production of wine by minimising the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides and offering tools for a better management and optimisation of resources for greater sustainability.

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