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VitiGEOSS partners participated in the Enoforum, the largest technical-scientific congress in Europe for the wine sector, celebrated from 16th – 18th of May in Vicenza (Italy).

During the congress, project’s partners organised two demo sessions, one in Italian and another in English, to provide an overview of the services integrated into the VitiGEOSS platform and present use cases of how the platform can be used by wine producers for better informed decision-making. Each of the demo session counted with almost 20 participants that could explore the features that the VitiGEOSS platform offers and express interest in becoming a test user to try it out during the next following year.

Boris Basile, associate professor of viticulture at University of Naples Federico II (UNINA); Laia Garriga, Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit Promoter of Eurecat; Jessica Snoek, project manager at eLEAF, and Andria Nicodemou, climate science communication specialist at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), moderated the two demo sessions.

On the other hand, Boris Basile presented VitiGEOSS during the flash talk titled Vineyard innovative tools based on the integration of Earth Observation Services and in-field sensors”, giving a general overview about the project and explaining the work done in developing innovative tools for vineyard management based on the integration of Earth Observation Services and in-field sensors.

The project counted with its own stand during the three days of the congress from where partners showcased what are we doing at the VitiGEOSS project for a greater sustainability and optimisation in wine operations.

The Enoforum brought together producers, technicians, oenologists and agronomists, researchers and technology providers, with the objective to promote the development of innovation in the wine and viticulture sector.

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