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VitiGEOSS project has been presented during the event “EU research and innovation for the agrifood sector beyond 2020” held within the European Food Forum (EFF), celebrated online on December 9th.

Ferran Roure, researcher from the Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat, has presented VitiGEOSS during the session “Innovation in practice along the food supply chain”, as a key European project in agrifood sector, developing an innovative vineyard management solution based on Earth Obseervation services and in-field sensors.

During the session, Roure also presented IoECrops and Agrobofood, as two key agrifood research and innovation European projects participated by Eurecat.

The event, which counted with the presence of three MEPs, aimed at understanding the available toolbox under different agrifood EU programmes and showed some good examples of on-farm innovation to underline and discuss about the importance of cooperation between all the agrifood stakeholders.

The European Food Forum (EFF) aims to promote open dialogue on sustainable food systems amonb policymakers, food supply chain agents, civil society entities, research and academia institutions and other public organisations.

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