The VitiGEOSS project celebrates its consortium meeting and the second local stakeholders session in Italy
The VitiGEOSS consortium celebrated its first physically consortium meeting from 16 – 18 of November at Mastroberardino facilities located in Italy.
Representatives from all the partners entities joined the meeting to review all the work done and discuss about the next steps and actions to be done in order to achieve the project’s main objectives.
Celebrating the second local stakeholders event
On the other hand, the project’s consortium took the opportunity to celebrate the second local stakeholders session with Italian wine producers, associations and researchers of the Campania region (Italy).
During the event, project partners presented the VitiGEOSS activities and services under development, highlighting how public data and resources such as satellite data can be used and their potential for the wine sector. Additionally, they shared experiences with winegrowers and wine sector agents involved in innovation activities for the digitization of the sector.
Finally, attendants participated in a workshop with industry value chain entities to identify technology needs, barriers and challenges for the adoption of new services such as the VitiGEOSS platform.