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Partners represented the VitiGEOSS project at the workshop “New EO-based High-Resolution soil moisture products to address climate risk and food security” taking place online on the 1st of June 2022.

The workshop was organised by IsardSAT and Lobelia Earth in the framework of the SnapEarth project.

VitiGEOSS partners participated in the workshop and took the opportunity to introduce VitiGEOSS, as a project making use of the potential of European Earth Observation services for deploying an innovative commercial information solution to optimise sustainable grapevine cultivation. 

The workshop had the objective to provide insights on the relevance of Earth Observation-based Soil Moisture data for risk anticipation, resource optimisation and data modelling, as well as to gather feedback on how to improve the products to address market needs, enabling the dialogue with different stakeholders on requirements limitations, expectations and applications of EO-based data.

In addition, the workshop included the presentation of the EarthFood Security platform, developed by the European project SnapEarth, which provides information on soil moisture, drought and fire index, based on EO data.

The SnapEarth project is working to facilitate access to Earth Observation data from the general public thanks to EO data labelling and indexation innovations. The main goal of the project is to bring out new values through large-scale earth observation data services and to anticipate future priorities by leveraging artificial intelligence and cloud computing technologies and tools.



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