About Míriam

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So far Míriam has created 19 blog entries.

VITIGEOSS Business Service: Task scheduling optimization in vineyards

Agriculture plantations are complex systems whose performance critically depends on the execution of several types of tasks with precise timing and efficiency to respond to different external factors. This is particularly true for orchards like vineyards, which need to be strictly monitored and regulated, as they are sensitive to diverse types of pests, and climate conditions. In these environments, managing and optimally scheduling the available work force and resources is not trivial and is usually done by teams of senior managers based on their experience.

VITIGEOSS Business Service: Task scheduling optimization in vineyards2023-08-24T13:31:52+01:00

The VitiGEOSS project celebrates its consortium meeting and the second local stakeholders session in Italy

The VitiGEOSS project celebrated its second local stakeholders session with Italian wine producers, associations and researchers of the Campania region. The event, which took place on November 16th, was organised in the Mastroberardino facilities (Italy). 

The VitiGEOSS project celebrates its consortium meeting and the second local stakeholders session in Italy2023-05-22T07:05:53+01:00

Towards more effective visualisations in climate services: good practices and recommendations

Visualisations are often the entry point to information that supports stakeholders' decision- and policy-making processes. Visual displays can employ either static, dynamic or interactive formats as well as various types of representations and visual encodings, which differently affect the attention, recognition and working memory of users

Towards more effective visualisations in climate services: good practices and recommendations2023-11-14T18:34:27+01:00

VitiGEOSS project kicks-off!

The VitiGEOSS project has kicked off on September 2020 with the objective to develop a vineyard innovative tool based on the integration of Earth Observation services and in-field sensors to increase resolution and reliability of satellite information applied to viticulture.

VitiGEOSS project kicks-off!2023-05-22T07:06:57+01:00

Data driven predictive models based on Artificial Intelligence to anticipate the presence of Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator in southern European winegrowing regions.

Downy and powdery mildews are two of the main diseases threatening grapevine cultivation worldwide caused by the phytopathogens Plasmopara vitícola and Uncinula necator, respectively. These diseases may cause severe damage to grapevines by inducing wilting of plant organs, including bunches, especially when vines are untreated. This fact, together with the widespread of these pathogens due to the large extensions of land dedicated to grapevine monoculture, makes necessary to develop new predictive modeling tools that allow anticipating disease appearance in the vineyard, minimizing the losses in fruit yield and quality, and helping farmers in defining appropriate and more sustainable disease management strategies (fungicides applied at the right time and dose).

Data driven predictive models based on Artificial Intelligence to anticipate the presence of Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator in southern European winegrowing regions.2023-11-07T14:40:36+01:00
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